Decatur & Atlanta
Come visit us in beautiful Decatur, Georgia, with easy access to nearby Atlanta.
Course Descriptions (Associate of Applied Science)
General Education Courses
Course descriptions are designed to depict each course’s content in understandable items to aid the student in a complete comprehension of requisite studies to attain the objectives of the program.
MAT 100 Mathematics for Business (3 QH)
This course is intended to support students in developing skills, strategies, and reasoning needed to succeed in mathematics. Topics include introductory treatments of sets and logic, financial mathematics, probability, and statistics with appropriate applications. Number sense, proportional reasoning, estimation, technology, and communication will be embedded throughout the course. Communication and appropriate use of technology is included. Additional topics may be covered. Requires a passing score on entrance exam.
ENG 100 English Grammar and Composition (4 QH)
Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. The basic skills to be successful at a college and professional level are explored, focusing on APA style writing, proper grammar, and paper composition. Upon completion, students will have the skills needed to perform at a college and professional level. Requires a passing score on entrance exam.
TEC 101 Introduction to Technology (4 QH)
A basic introduction to data processing, hardware, software, and operating systems for current systems and applications. Basic technology skills are designed to inform the student on modern applications of computer skills and how they may be applied to be successful as a student and working professional.
SCI 100 Introduction to Natural Sciences (4 QH)
This course will provide a foundation for students to develop an understanding of terminology related to the natural sciences. Students will be introduced to basic anatomical terms, including the anatomical position, directional terms, and gross anatomical regions and planes. Also, an introduction to general, organic, and biochemistry.
SCI 202 Anatomical Foundations (4 QH)
This course will expose the student to a study of the structure and function of the human body. Systems include the following: integumentary system, skeletal system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, nervous system, and muscular system.
SCI 222 Introduction to Microbiology (2 QH)
This course in an introduction to the study of the anatomy, physiology, and methods of control of microorganisms. A fundamental approach to the mechanisms of pathogenicity and host response to infection through a study of immunology is also presented.
MGT 101 Small Business Management (4 QH)
This course explores the principles of management applicable to small business. Areas of study include planning for a new or existing business, organization, location, and marketing strategies. Financial planning, basic accounting, capital asset management, personnel management, use of technology and elements of sound business management will be emphasized.
Funeral Service Core Courses - Public Health and Technical
COR 220 Embalming I (3 QH)
This is an introductory course in embalming, concentrating on professionalism, accountability, responsibility, and legal regulation. Students will learn the overall value of embalming, terminology of death, and the physical and chemical changes that occur in the body. Embalming instruments, preparation room equipment and supplies are also discussed.
COR 222 Embalming Lab I (1.5 QH)
This course will expose students to the practical application of embalming. The student will experience and discuss embalming procedures and applications through physical, virtual, and/or technological conveyed mediums. Prerequisite: COR 220
COR 224 Embalming II (3 QH)
This course presents students with an intense study of embalming case analysis through the completion of a case. Students will study areas to include embalming chemicals, positioning, posing features, vascular considerations, fluid mechanics, and cavity treatment. Prerequisite: COR 222
COR 226 Embalming Lab II (1.5 QH)
This course will further expose students to the practical applications of embalming theory. Students will be presented with an immersive experience in embalming application through virtual and in-person interaction with instructors and preceptors. Students will complete a clinical embalming experience to demonstrate competency. Prerequisite: COR 224
COR 228 – Embalming III (3 QH)
This course focuses on the handling of special cases and the proper embalming procedures of each. Attention is devoted to many of the unique challenges facing the modern embalmer. Prerequisite: COR 226
COR 230 Restorative Art I (3 QH)
This course will introduce students to the basic principles of restorative art, with detailed analysis of human anatomy which are responsible for the characteristics common to the countenance of human beings. The course will include a detailed study of the bones of the head, muscles of form and expression, subcutaneous tissues, and integument.
COR 232 Restorative Art Lab I (1.5 QH)
This course will present students with the foundational principles and application of restorative art in funeral service, including the study of modeling media and techniques. Students will apply techniques in the modeling of facial features. Prerequisite: COR 230
COR 234 Restorative Art II (3 QH)
This course will focus on a detailed study of facial features and structures. Students will intensely study individual features and explore facial markings, proportions, profiles, and shapes. Prerequisite: COR 232
COR 236 Restorative Art Lab II (1.5 QH)
This course will include extensive focus on the practical application of Restorative Art in funeral service. Students will be guided through a practical application of Restorative Art techniques and practices. This lab must be taken on-campus. Prerequisite: COR 234
COR 238 – Restorative Art III (3 QH)
This course will focus on general restorative treatments required in properly preparing remains. Students will be exposed to color theory, cosmetology, and other practical applications in Restorative Art. Prerequisite: COR 236
COR 210 Pathology I (2 QH)
This course will provide an introduction to disease processes and their impact on the human body. It will include basic pathological terminology, a study of the divisions of pathology, the nature and cause of disease, circulatory disturbances, inflammation, and a study of tumors and cysts. Also included, an introduction to special pathology. Prerequisite: SCI 100
COR 212 Pathology II (2 QH)
This course provides students an intense focus in special pathology. The areas of concentration include a study of the diseases and their effect on the systems of the body. Prerequisite: COR 210
COR 242 Microbiology for Funeral Service (2 QH)
This course is an intense exploration of microbiology principles as related to specific bacteria, rickettsia, chlamydia, viruses, fungi and protozoa and the infections they cause. The relationship to funeral service practice is established by an analysis of the possible transmission of microorganisms to funeral service personnel and the public. Prerequisites: SCI 100, SCI 222
Funeral Service Core Courses - Business Management and Professional
INT 100 Preparing for Professional Success (3 QH)
This course explores essential study skills for college level academics, as well as proven methods for stress management. Emphasis is given to organizational and time management skills, as well as concepts of mindfulness. Additionally, this course explores current trends in the workforce in terms of expectations and requirements, pay rates and job placement, and professional practices.
COR 201 Funeral Service Essentials (4 QH)
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the history of funeral service, highlighting the individuals, events, and cultural forces that have shaped contemporary funeral principles and practices, while exploring the evolution of professional associations and educational standards within the funeral service industry.
COR 203 Funeral Service Merchandising (3 QH)
This course introduces students to the basics of merchandising as it applies to the funeral profession. This course explores the construction and features of caskets, outer burial containers, and other funeral, cremation, and cemetery products. It also examines methods of purchasing, pricing, display, and sale of funeral and cemetery merchandise as well as funeral and cemetery services.
COR 205 Cremation and Disposition Options (4 QH)
This course will provide students an overview of cremation topics including proper procedures, legal considerations, services, merchandise, trends, and the history of cremation. This course will also explore non-traditional disposition options including eco-friendly funerals, cryonics, alkaline hydrolysis, green burial, natural organic reduction, and burial at sea.
COR 207 Funeral Directing (4 QH)
This course will focus on the fundamental duties, responsibilities, and expectations of those practicing funeral service. Including notification of death, transfer of remains, conduct of the arrangement conference, pre-funded / preplanned funerals, religious practices, shipment of remains, and aftercare. Prerequisite: COR 201
COR 209 Funeral Service Communications (3 QH)
This course will provide students a survey of the basic principles of effective communication skills as they relate to funeral service. Topics will include the communication process, language, nonverbal communication, listening, self-concept, public speaking; interpersonal, group, business communication with an emphasis on soft skills; and the use of technology in communication.
COR 211 Funeral Service Management (2 QH)
This course is a broad overview of the basic principles of Funeral Service Management. General management theory is applied to funeral service practice with a focus on concepts, functions, and areas of management. In addition, trends in funeral service and disaster preparedness are explored.
CAP 290 – Capstone: Science (2 QH)
This course is a comprehensive review and learning assessment of the science curriculum to prepare students to successfully complete the capstone competency exam. Emphasis is placed on specific problem areas and the requirements for licensure examinations.
CAP 292 – Capstone: Arts (2 QH)
This course is a comprehensive review and learning assessment of the arts (non-science) curriculum to prepare students to successfully complete the capstone competency exam. Emphasis is placed on specific problem areas and the requirements for licensure examinations.
CAP 294 – Capstone: Pathway (2 QH)
This course will require students to research a topic related to funeral service and present their results to the course participants as a part of the final requirements for program completion.
Funeral Service Core Courses - Social Sciences
SCI 102 Introduction to Social Sciences (2 QH)
This course is designed to introduce students to psychological and sociological norms. Students will learn concepts of general psychology including schools of thought, areas of specialization, social behavior, and emotional intelligence. Students will form a sociological foundation in building relationships with co-workers, community, clientele, and business.
COR 213 – Funeral Service Sociology (4 QH)
This course provides students with principles of sociology as related to funeral service. Emphasis is placed on family and social structures, and the changes in each as related to funeral service. This course will also examine religious, fraternal, and military rites as they relate to funeral service. Prerequisite: SCI 102
COR 215 – Funeral Service Psychology (3 QH)
This course examines psychology and counseling as they relate to funeral service. Specifically stressed are the psychological concepts in the areas of grief, bereavement, mourning, aftercare, and crisis intervention with emphasis on the role of the funeral practitioner. Prerequisite: SCI 102
Funeral Service Core Courses - Legal, Ethical, Regulatory
LAW 203 – Practical Issues in Business Law (2 QH)
This course is a survey of the basic principles of business law as related to funeral service. Especially stressed are the bodies of law and the judicial system found in the United States of America including contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employment, and business organizations.
LAW 223 – Law in Funeral Service (3 QH)
This course is designed to introduce students to the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the funeral service practitioner and funeral establishment. Including but not limited to state and federal laws, regulations and administrative agency law pertaining to funeral service. Prerequisite: LAW 203
COR 217 Ethical Applications in Funeral Service (2 QH)
This course will familiarize students with the origins, philosophy, and importance of ethics in funeral service. This course will help students develop a strong set of professional ethics. This knowledge will help funeral practitioners do what is proper and in the best interest of those they serve while maintaining the public trust.